The European Foundation for the Protection of Monuments was established by an act notary public on September 11, 1992 in Gdańsk.

The goals of the Foundation are:


  • protection, revaluation and development of historic buildings
  • supporting activities aimed at the restoration of monuments
  • cooperation with international monument protection organizations
Dwór Studzienka w otoczeniu drzew
Czytaj Integration of Climate protection and Cultural Heritage Aspects in Policy and Development Plans

The Foundation realizes its goals through:

  • conducting research and studies in the field of conservation and adaptation of facilities historic
  • taking ownership of historic buildings, their renovation and adaptation,
  • initiating financial and legal assistance for legal or natural persons working on the reconstruction, restoration or development of historic buildings,
  • organizing and financing conferences, seminars, meetings and training related to monument protection,
  • awarding prizes and scholarships,
  • carrying out propagation, information and publishing activities.